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12839СообщениеДобавлено: Ср 08 Мар 06, 21:35 (19 лет тому назад)     Ответ с цитатой

Поиск точек соприкосновения науки и религий ведется по многим направлениям. Вот пример.

March 3, 2006

Arizona State University and Stony Brook University win three-year grants

PHILADELPHIA - The Philadelphia-based Metanexus Institute announced today that Stony Brook University in New York  and Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona, were the 2006 recipients of the Templeton Research Lectures grants.  The three-to-four year projects provides up to $500,000 to promote important conversations at the forefront of the field of science and religion through interdisciplinary study groups and an annual distinguished lectureship.  The projects were selected through an international competition.

"As the pace of scientific discovery and innovation accelerates, there is an urgent cultural need to reflect thoughtfully about these epic changes and challenges" notes William Grassie, Executive Director of the Metanexus Institute, who manages this international grant competition. "The challenges of the 21st century require new interdisciplinary collaborations, which place questions of meanings and values on the agenda. We need to put questions about the universe and the universal back at the heart of the university."

The Stony Brook University project is headed by Dr. Robert P. Crease, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy.  The project is entitled "Trust: Prospects for Science and Religion."  The project will explore how issues of trust play out similarly and differently in both religious and scientific enterprises.  In addition to the Principal Investigator, the project involves sixteen faculty from a variety of academic disciplines at Stony Brook University, and from nearby academic, religious, and scientific institutions.

"Trust is central to the practice of both science and religion on many levels - personal, public, and institutional," says Crease.  "Without trust, the scientific process would grind to a halt like a machine drained of oil. Trust is also central to religion - among members of a congregation, between individuals and leaders, and between individuals and God.  Moreover, recent controversies have shaken confidence in both scientific and religious institutions.  What fosters trust?  What erodes it?  How it can be restored once lost?  At Stony Brook, we aim to create an interdisciplinary dialogue about a rarely discussed subject that is at the core of both fields – and about which each field has much to say to the other."
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