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Зарегистрирован: 01.12.2005 Суждений: 1004
№29619Добавлено: Ср 14 Фев 07, 09:57 (18 лет тому назад) |
Еще одно сообщение группы врачей, специалистов по применению техники внимательности в медицине, занимающихся организацией профессионального сообщества в этой области. (Первое сообщение было 24 января 2007 г., см. выше на стр. 13).
MLRN discussionlist 14.02.07
Dear Colleague,
Thank you so much to the 565 of you who have already responded to our survey regarding the formation of a society for professionals engaged in the development, practice, application and research of mindfulness-based interventions! The response has been astounding and reinforces our notion of broad interest in some such entity. Especially interesting has been the large international response.
For those who haven’t replied yet, it’s still not too late to express your views! You can access the survey until the end of the month by clicking on the following link: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.asp?u=143182007298
It is our intention to informally present the results of this survey at the upcoming Fifth Annual International Conference on Integrating Mindfulness-Based Approaches and Interventions into Medicine, Health Care and the Larger Society in Worcester, MA (March 31-April 2) and to continue this dialogue in that venue.
If you have specific comments or questions please contact Steve Hickman (shickman@ucsd.edu) or Linda Carlson (l.carlson@ucalgary.ca). We thank you in advance for your valuable input.
Steven D. Hickman, PsyD
Director, UCSD Center for Mindfulness
Assistant Clinical Professor
UCSD Department of Psychiatry
Neuropsychiatry and Behavioral Medicine
Saki F. Santorelli, EdD, MA
Executive Director, Center for Mindfulness
Director, Stress Reduction Clinic
Associate Professor of Medicine
University of Massachusetts Medical School
Linda E. Carlson, PhD, RPsych
Associate Professor, Division of Psychosocial Oncology,
Department of Oncology, Faculty of Medicine
Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Psychology
University of Calgary
David Monsour, MD, DABA
Attending Anesthesiologist,
SUNY Upstate Medical University
Specialty Surgery Ctr. Of CNY
MBSR Instructor, Syracuse University
Mick Krasner, MD, FACP
Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine
Department of Medicine
University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry
Michael Speca PsyD, RPsych
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Department of Oncology, Faculty of Medicine
University of Calgary |
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Зарегистрирован: 01.12.2005 Суждений: 1004
№30815Добавлено: Пт 16 Мар 07, 13:28 (18 лет тому назад) |
Источник информации: рассылка Mind and Life Institute.
Институт предлагает приобрести DVD с записями наиболее интерeсных эпизодов конферении Science and Clinical Applications of Meditation conference-2005
The Mind and Life Institute is now offering a single video DVD containing
"highlights" of the two and one-half day Investigating the Mind 2005:
Science and Clinical Applications of Meditation conference proceedings.
This "best of the conference" DVD contains edited excerpts from all
sessions which were videotaped in their entirety using 3 state-of-the-art
digital cameras switched live as the event was happening.
The "Highlights from the Science and Clinical Applications of Meditation"
DVD covers such topics as:
* Meditation-Based Clinical Interventions: Science, Practice, and
* Possible Biological Substrates of Meditation
* Clinical Research I: Meditation and Mental Health
* Clinical Research II: Meditation and Physical Health
* Integration and Final Reflections
You can experience the highlights of this historic conference by
purchasing the DVD for $24.95*.
To order just click on
* Canadian and International prices slightly higher. |
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Зарегистрирован: 01.12.2005 Суждений: 1004
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Зарегистрирован: 01.12.2005 Суждений: 1004
№31253Добавлено: Сб 24 Мар 07, 10:51 (18 лет тому назад) |
Источник информации: рассылка Metanexus Insitiute
Интересная форма привлечения внимания публики к теме «наука и религии». Основатель и директор Metanexus Institute (только в проекте Local Societies Initiatives участвуют свыше 200 сообществ из более 30 стран мира)
Dr. William Grassie и его коллеги проводят дискуссию «Наука и религия в 21 веке» в связи с показом пьесы Бертольда Брехта «Жизнь Галилея» в The Wilma Theater (Philadelphia, 11апреля – 13 мая 2007 г.). Для зрителей – бесплатно, для остальных – 10$.
Dr. William Grassie, founder and recent former director of Metanexus Institute, will participate in a panel discussion titled, "Science and Religion in the 21st Century," on Monday, May 7 at 7 PM at the Wilma Theater, Philadelphia, PA. This discussion is being presented in conjunction with the theater's production of Bertolt Brecht's, The Life of Galileo. Other panelists for this evening include Dr. Edward Davis, Dr. Owen Gingerich, Dr. Marc Hauser and moderator John Timpane of the Philadelphia Inquirer. Admission is $10 or free to all The Life of Galileo ticket-holders.
For more information
or visit
http://www.wilmatheater.org. |
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test 一心
Зарегистрирован: 18.02.2005 Суждений: 18706
№31255Добавлено: Сб 24 Мар 07, 16:36 (18 лет тому назад) |
Собираются, обсуждают - а где результат? |
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Зарегистрирован: 01.12.2005 Суждений: 1004
№31256Добавлено: Сб 24 Мар 07, 16:58 (18 лет тому назад) |
На Ясном свете, кажется, uzh высказал мнение, что диалог буддизма и науки бесплоден. Частный случай диалога науки и религий вообще. Повторяю ответ на вопрос о конкретном результате диалога буддизма и науки. Уже неоднократно я рассказывал историю о том, что своевременное знакомство с обзором (мета-анализом) научных исследований по технике внимательности (он был дан на MLRN) и ее применение на практике очень помогло мне в свое время (облегчить страдания хотя бы временно)и, как мне кажется, продолжает помогать.
Я думаю, что только одно это, не говоря уже о сотнях, а, возможно, и тысячах аналогичных результатов (в основном) за рубежом, полностью оправдывает все произошедшие и все будущие встречи, конференции, круглые столы, семинары, статьи, книги и прочая и прочая по поддержанию диалога между наукой и религиями. |
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Зарегистрирован: 01.12.2005 Суждений: 1004
№31539Добавлено: Чт 05 Апр 07, 22:13 (18 лет тому назад) |
Mind and Life Institute объявляет о проведении очередной встречи ЕСДЛ с учеными
Mind and Life XIV: The Universe in a Single Atom
Удивляет, что первое объявление о встрече дано за 4 дня до ее начала. Формат встречи: не международная конференция, а private meeting.
The Mind and Life Institute (MLI) proudly announces its upcoming 14th
dialogue, "The Universe in a Single Atom." This private meeting between world-renowned scientists and His Holiness the Dalai Lama and other Buddhist scholar-practitioners will be held in Dharamsala, India, April 9-13, 2007.
Based on the Dalai Lama's latest book, The Universe in a Single Atom: The Convergence of Science and Spirituality, the 14th dialogue highlights the issues he feels are most important as science and spirituality converge.
In his book, the Dalai Lama discusses his vision of science and faith
working hand-in-hand to alleviate human suffering. Drawing on a lifetime of scientific study and religious practice, he explores many of the great debates and makes astonishing connections between seemingly disparate topics.
While he sees science and faith as "complementary but different
investigative approaches with the same goal of seeking the truth," the two
have often been at the root of human conflict. In The Universe in a Single
Atom, the Dalai Lama challenges us to see that the benefits of opening our hearts and minds to the connections between science and faith are far
preferable to perpetuating the divisive rhetoric that often surrounds them.
He believes that such enlightenment is the key to achieving peace within
ourselves and the world.
During the five-day meeting, dialogue participants will rigorously engage
and address the fundamental, philosophical, and ethical issues that face
both scientists and contemplatives today.
Meeting participants include:
* Tenzin Gyatso, His Holiness, the XIV Dalai Lama
* Richard J. Davidson, Ph.D., Vilas Research Professor and William James Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry, University of Wisconsin-Madison
* John Dunne, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Religion, Emory University. Co-Director of the Encyclopedia of Contemplative Practices and the Emory Collaborative for Contemplative Studies
* Paul Ekman, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology Emeritus in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California at San Francisco; Consultant
* R. Adam Engle, J.D., M.B.A., CEO and Chairman of the Mind and Life
Institute, and General Coordinator of the Mind and Life conferences
* Martha Farah, Ph.D., Walter H. Annenberg Professor in the Natural
Sciences, Director of the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Pennsylvania
* George Greenstein, Ph.D., Sidney Dillon Professor of Astronomy, Amherst College
* Matthieu Ricard, Ph.D., Author and Buddhist monk at Shechen Monastery in Kathmandu and French interpreter since 1989 for His Holiness the Dalai Lama
* Bennett M. Shapiro, M.D., Executive Vice President (ret.) Merck Research Laboratories
* Wolf Singer, M.D., Ph.D., Director at the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research in Frankfurt and Founding Director of the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS)
* Evan Thompson, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy, York University, Toronto
* Anton Zeilinger, Ph.D., Professor at the Physics Department of Vienna
University and at the Institute of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
* Arthur Zajonc, Ph.D., Andrew Mellon Professor of Physics and
Interdisciplinary Studies, Amherst College
* Geshe Thupten Jinpa, Ph.D., President and chief editor for The Classics
of Tibet Series produced by the Institute of Tibetan Classics in Montreal; Adjunct Faculty of Religious Studies, McGill University, Montreal
* Geshe Dorje Damdul, English interpreter for His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Dharamsala, India
This meeting will be made available by webcast at
For more information on the Mind and Life XIV Dialogue and to download a PDF of the brochure, please go http://www.mindandlife.org/conf07.html
The Mind and Life Dialogues started in 1987 as an experiment to determine whether a scientific exchange could occur between modern science and Buddhism. MLI has now sponsored 14 dialogues over the last 20 years. In that time MLI has become a recognized world leader in the emerging scientific investigation of the effects of contemplative practices on the brain, behavior, and the translation of this data into effective tools to benefit all people everywhere.
Past dialogues have prompted books and DVD sets to share the extraordinary events with wider audiences. For a complete list and more information on these books and DVD sets, please go to www.mindandlife.org.
To purchase a copy of the Dalai Lama's book, The Universe in a Single
Atom, please go to your local bookstore or www.amazon.com. |
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Зарегистрирован: 01.12.2005 Суждений: 1004
№35499Добавлено: Пт 15 Июн 07, 22:19 (18 лет тому назад) |
Линда Карлсон рекомендует:
We are pleased to announce that today, AHRQ released the evidence report
" Meditation Practices for Health: State of the Research."
You can find the report on AHRQ's Web site using the following links:
Topic Page/Abstract: http://www.ahrq.gov/clinic/tp/medittp.htm
Report in PDF:
Linda E. Carlson, PhD, RPsych
Associate Professor, Division of Psychosocial Oncology,
Department of Oncology, Faculty of Medicine
Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Psychology
University of Calgary |
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Зарегистрирован: 01.12.2005 Суждений: 1004
№36547Добавлено: Сб 30 Июн 07, 13:29 (18 лет тому назад) |
Источник информации MLRN.
20-22 октября 2007 г. в Emory University (Atlanta, USA) пройдет конференция-встреча ЕСДЛ с представителями других религий, его публичные выступления, инагурация в профессорское звание Emory University. Эти мероприятия проходят в рамках Emory-Tibet Science Initiative, которая призвана дать тибетским манахам и монахиням научное образование.
ЕСДЛ об этой инициативе.
“I deeply appreciate that Emory University has made a commitment to collaborate with the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives to develop and implement a comprehensive and sustainable science education program. I have long believed in and advocated a dialogue and cross-fertilization between science and spirituality, as both are essential for enriching human life and alleviating suffering on both individual and global levels. The Emory-Tibet Science Initiative has a unique opportunity to fulfill this need, and thus make a contribution not only to the Emory and Tibetan communities, but to the world at large, by expanding the horizons of human knowledge and wisdom.”
Emory University is greatly honored to welcome His Holiness the Dalai Lama for a three-day visit to the university from October 20-22, 2007. His Holiness has accepted Emory's offer of a Presidential Distinguished Professorship, and his visit to the university will include his installment in this position and his inaugural lecture. His Holiness's visit will also include his full participation in a one-day conference on science and spirituality co-hosted by the Mind & Life Institute with leading scientists and contemplatives from the university and across the country on Saturday, October 20, and an interfaith summit on religion as a source of conflict and a resource for peace-building on Sunday, October 21.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Teaching to the Buddhist Community of Atlanta
A special teaching for the Buddhist community of Atlanta by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The title of the teaching has not yet been determined.
7:00 a.m. Doors open 9:30 a.m. Event begins 11:00 a.m. Event concludes
First Emory Summit on Religion, Conflict, and Peacebuilding
12:30 p.m. Doors open 2:00 p.m. Event begins 4:00 p.m. Event concludes
Can the religions of the world work together to reduce violent conflict and build peaceful, pluralistic societies? This question is more challenging than ever, as we witness an escalation of global violence invoking religion. To address this challenge, Emory is holding its first in a series of summits on Religion, Conflict, and Peacebuilding.
At this first summit, we feature one religious leader—His Holiness the Dalai Lama—in conversation with religious leaders from Hindu, Christian, Jewish, and Muslim communities, including Rabbi David Rosen, Sister Joan Chittister, Professor Rajmohan Gandhi, and Professor Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na'im.
How are they making peace differently, and how are they developing new models from their own peacemaking experiences—whether it be in Khartoum, in Jerusalem, in London, or in Delhi? And how are people addressing this issue "on the ground" in cities, in neighborhoods? What are the best local peacemaking practices in places affected by religious violence? Can religion also be a source of community renewal and a force to promote the common good in such areas?
Monday, October 22, 2007
Installation of His Holiness as Presidential Distinguished Professor and Inaugural Lecture: "Reality as Interdependence"
8:00 a.m. Doors open 9:30 a.m. Event begins 11:30 a.m. Event concludes
His Holiness the Dalai Lama will be installed as Presidential Distinguished Professor at Emory University in a vibrant ceremony including music, readings, and academic ceremonial traditions. Following the formal installation, His Holiness will deliver his inaugural lecture as Presidential Distinguished Professor entitled "Reality as Interdependence," based on Je Tsongkhapa's rten-'brel bstod-pa, "In Praise of Relativity."
Educating the Heart and Mind: A Path to Universal Responsibility
1:00 p.m. Gates open 3:00 p.m. Musical entertainment begins (artists to be announced)
4:45 p.m. Main program begins 6:30 p.m. Event ends
Emory University presents an afternoon with His Holiness the Dalai Lama with special musical guests and activities. His Holiness will deliver a public talk suitable for the entire family entitled "Educating the Heart and Mind: A Path to Universal Responsibility."
http://dalailama.emory.edu/events/index.html#conference |
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Зарегистрирован: 01.12.2005 Суждений: 1004
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Зарегистрирован: 01.12.2005 Суждений: 1004
№37054Добавлено: Ср 11 Июл 07, 06:24 (18 лет тому назад) |
Объявление о предварительной регистрации на очередную конференцию Mind and Life XV – Investigating the Mind: “Mindfulness, Compassion, and the Treatment of Depression” , которую организуют Mind and Life institute and Emory University.
At the end of July, general, or public, registration will open for the Mind and Life XV – Investigating the Mind: “Mindfulness, Compassion, and the Treatment of Depression” meeting co-sponsored by Mind and Life and Emory University. The meeting will be held at Emory University in Atlanta on Saturday, October 20, 2007.
(Please see http://www.dalailamaemory.org/ for more information about the meeting)
Before the general registration opens, however, we want to give you an opportunity to register early. To register early please go to: http://dalailama.emory.edu/events/mlxvpresale.html
When you get there, you will see General Admission Floor Seats for $160 and General Admission Bleacher Seats for $140.
There are no Students Admission seats available during early registration.
Continuing Medical Education (CME) Credits are available. (Please see the CME section at http://dalailama.emory.edu/events/mlxvpresale.html for more information.)
As the goal of this meeting is have the audience consist largely of science, research, medical and clinical professionals, please feel free to pass this early registration email on to your colleagues also in these professions.
Thank you for your interest in the work of the Mind and Life Institute, and we look forward to seeing you in Atlanta in October.
The Mind and Life Institute |
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Зарегистрирован: 01.12.2005 Суждений: 1004
№37092Добавлено: Сб 14 Июл 07, 13:04 (18 лет тому назад) |
В преддверии конференции Mind and Life XV “Mindfulness, Compassion, and the Treatment of Depression” (см. выше) пионеры применения техники внимательности в лечении депрессий Jon Kabat-Zinn (член совета Mind and Life Institute), Zindel Segal и John Teasdale опубликовали книгу “The Mindful Way through Depression: Freeing Yourself from Chronic Unhappiness” (Guilford Press, June 2007) и CD с 8-недельным курсом обучения (записал J. Kabat-Zinn) технике внимательности. Недавние исследования Всемирной Организации Здравоохранения показали, что депрессия является одной из главных причин нетрудоспособности североамериканцев в возрасте от 15 до 44 лет. Как показывают исследования, при использовании антидепрессантов негативные эмоции могут вернуться по окончании применения препаратов. Опыт тысяч людей, обученных технике внимательности, показывает, что благодаря ее регулярной практике вырабатываются привычки, снижающие риск депрессий.
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) -- a proven treatment developed by Kabat-Zinn, Segal, Teasdale, and Mark Williams -- has helped thousands of people accept, process, and overcome uncomfortable emotions. Now, after a decade of refining the practice through clinical research and hands-on workshops, the originators of this treatment are making it available as a book and CD-based self-help program.
The Mindful Way through Depression begins by examining how our minds, bodies and emotions interact to compound and sustain unhappiness. "When bad things happen or we feel unwell—even if we just wake up on the wrong side of the bed—we tend to make matters worse by telling ourselves to 'snap out of it," explains Segal. "When we can't do it, we feel weak or worthless, and spiral deeper into the feelings we had hoped to escape."
Compassionate self-awareness can prevent the slide into depression. "A mindful attitude provides the opportunity to slow things down and focus on what's real in the present moment, without judging or dragging in past regrets or worries about the future," Segal says.
Reaching the point where that attitude becomes instinctual takes practice and guidance. To that end, Segal and his coauthors encourage readers to follow an eight-week program of daily meditations, as narrated by Kabat-Zinn on the accompanying CD.
A recent study by the World Health Organization confirms the need for such a program. Clinical depression is the single leading cause of disability for North Americans between the ages of 15 and 44. In other words, during the prime of our lives, seemingly unshakable feelings of sadness, self-doubt, and other painful emotions rob us of health and wellbeing. While antidepressants and traditional therapy have done a lot to alleviate the suffering of many unhappy individuals, studies show that negative emotions often return once treatment-as-usual ends. Mindfulness training, on the other hand, can lead to habits that reduce the likelihood of depression for a lifetime.
"We wrote this book and recorded the CD to share the positive effects of mindfulness with a wider audience than we can reach through workshops and seminars alone," explains Kabat-Zinn.
"In fact, you don't even need to have a specific problem with depression to gain profoundly from the practices we describe in the book," he continues. "Mindfulness can lead to unexpected benefits for anyone willing to take the journey."
About the authors:
Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD, is internationally known for his work as a bestselling author, scientist, and meditation teacher. He is Professor Emeritus of Medicine at the University of Massachusetts Medical School.
Zindel Segal, PhD, is the Morgan Firestone Chair in Psychotherapy at the University of Toronto and Head of the Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Unit at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health.
John Teasdale, PhD, has held senior research appointments in the Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford, and in the Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Mark Williams, PhD, is Professor of Clinical Psychology and Wellcome Trust Principal Research Fellow at University of Oxford, United Kingdom. With Drs. Segal and Teasdale, he authored Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression, a bestselling book for professionals.
What others have to say:
"Composed by a star-studded team of scientists and practitioners, this powerful book is the best self-help title to arrive since David Burns's seminal Feeling Good. Williams, Teasdale, and Segal previously collaborated on Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression, a well-received text for mental health professionals. Add to the mix Jon Kabat-Zinn, a luminary in his own right, and the result is a useful lay reader's guide to incorporating mindfulness techniques in everyday life. Providing a realistic eight-week program, this wonderful guide and its accompanying CD offer invaluable practical strategies for banishing depression and regaining one's life. Highly recommended." -- Library Journal
To read an excerpt from the book, go to www.guilford.com/excerpts/williams3.pdf.
To listen to the accompanying CD, go to www.guilford.com/etc/mindfulness_intro.mp3 and www.guilford.com/etc/mindfulness_breath.mp3.
The Mindful Way through Depression is available at local bookstores and Amazon.com, http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw/104-7738677-9471157?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=The+Mindful+Way+through+Depression&Go.x=14&Go.y=7. |
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Зарегистрирован: 01.12.2005 Суждений: 1004
№37911Добавлено: Сб 04 Авг 07, 08:06 (17 лет тому назад) |
Источник информации: рассылка Metanexus Institute.
«Кто мы? Почему мы здесь? В нашу эпоху именно наука предназначена дать ответ на эти древние вопросы, в то время как технология обещает сделать нас даже «больше чем людьми». Но несмотря на наши удивительные научные открытия и технологические новации, разве мы перестали быть «вопросом для самих себя»? И какие новые вопросы о нас самих были поставлены нашим временем?
Если мы действительно хотим понять себя, наше место в космосе, отношения друг с другом и с божественным, то мы обязаны принять многообразные трансдисциплинарные подходы, пересекающие границы специальных знаний, институтов, культур и религиозных традиций. Нам нужно исследовать такие вопросы, как:
В сознании есть неустранимое присутствие «первого лица» («я переживаю это и сообщаю о моем опыте другим» - Ю.К.). Может ли объективный, научный подход к исследованию сознания «от третьего лица» («он(а) находится в таком-то состоянии, которое может быть объективно описано такими-то методами – Ю.К.) дать полный анализ «первого лица», субъективного опыта? И может ли он сказать нам, как нам жить наши жизни, как стремиться к благу, как жить вместе?
… Является ли понятие субъекта политическим?
…Существуют ли такие понятия, как «коллективное сознание» и «коллективное бессознательное»? Должны ли мы добавлять «общество» к классической триаде «ум-тело-душа»?
«Subject, Self and Soul: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Personhood»
- это тема и название 9-ой ежегодной конференции Metanexus Institute, которая состоится 13-17 июля, 2008 в Мадриде, Испания. Этим сообщением открывается «Call for Papers». Abstracts принимаются до 15 декабря.
Более подробно здесь
P.S. Подстрочный перевод мой. Это сообщение размещено здесь потому, что буддизм уже более 2500 лет занимается вопросом существования и описания Subject, Self and Soul, а также потому, что среди локальных сообществ, сотрудничающих с Metanexus Institute есть и буддисты. Полный список локальных сообществ здесь
Metanexus Institute финансируется фондом Темплтона. |
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Зарегистрирован: 01.12.2005 Суждений: 1004
№38335Добавлено: Сб 11 Авг 07, 09:27 (17 лет тому назад) |
Обзор по современному состоянию научных исследований по медитации, написанный не энтузиастами этих исследований и медитации. Подготовлен 11 исследователями для Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services и опубликован с июне 2007 г.
Основные выводы: «Практика медитации сопровождается многими неопределенностями. Научные исследования медитации не основаны на общей теоретической перспективе и характеризуются низким качеством методологии. На основе имеющихся данных нельзя сделать однозначные выводы о влиянии медитации на здоровье. Будущие исследования медитации должны быть более тщательно подготовленными и выполненными как в проведении и анализе, так и в сообщаемых результатах». |
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Зарегистрирован: 17.06.2007 Суждений: 643 Откуда: Москва
№38354Добавлено: Сб 11 Авг 07, 13:01 (17 лет тому назад) |
Yuriy пишет: Основные выводы: «Практика медитации сопровождается многими неопределенностями. Научные исследования медитации не основаны на общей теоретической перспективе и характеризуются низким качеством методологии. На основе имеющихся данных нельзя сделать однозначные выводы о влиянии медитации на здоровье. Будущие исследования медитации должны быть более тщательно подготовленными и выполненными как в проведении и анализе, так и в сообщаемых результатах».
Yuriy, современная отечественная наука обладает богатейшей доказательной базой положительного влияния медитации на здоровье равно как и на урожайность, яйценоскость и тд. Просто намного опередила компетентность
чиновников от здравоохранения и сертифицированных академиков. |
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