Жалко, что закрыли тему - "Будда и Махабхарата". Скину сюда.
Heliodorus pillar:
The Heliodorus pillar is a stone column that was erected around 113 BCE in central India[1] in Besnagar (near Vidisha, Madhya Pradesh).
Second survey in 1909-1910
Between 1909 and early 1910, nearly 30-years after the pillar's discovery, a small Indian and British archaeological team led by H H Lake revisited the site.[25] After the thick red crust was cleaned out, they found Brahmi script inscriptions. John Marshall reported the discovered inscriptions, and to everyone's surprise, the longer inscription related to a Greek ambassador named Heliodorus of 2nd-century BCE and the deity Vāsudeva. An additional smaller inscription on the pillar listed human virtues, later identified to be from a verse of the Mahabharata.[22][26][27]
Теперь точно известно, что в 113 году до нашей эры была известна Махабхарата.