№79424Добавлено: Вт 17 Авг 10, 20:17 (14 лет тому назад)
Лама Еше (США)
Доктор Ричард Блэквэл - Буддийский реинкарнированный Лама, Лама Другпа Еше Тринли Одзер (IX Другмар Ринпоче), признан некоторыми его студентами истинным Бодхисаттвой.
Не советую посещать такие сайты, где ламы реинкарнируют и где студенты бодхисаттвами кого-то признают. Если кто-то считает, что в США мало сект, таких как "нингма в Украине", то он очень сильно ошибается, всё наоборот.
"Лама Еше " непростительно жёстко накосячил в высказываниях. Приговорён к сливу в канализацию. Вместе с учениками.
№79451Добавлено: Ср 18 Авг 10, 11:25 (14 лет тому назад)
Richard Blackwell (Lama Yeshe Drugpa Trinley Odzer)
According to Richard Blackwell - a Clinical Psychologist, who claims to be ordained as both a Tibetan Lama and Japanese Shingon Priest - he is in possession of a black lacquered box containing documents once belonging to Usui Sensei (- documents which a German antiquarian apparently confirmed as authentic manuscripts from the 7th to the 19th Century), detailing the Reiki tradition and teachings.
One of these documents: the Tantra of the Lightning Flash, is said to present a comprehensive healing method derived from esoteric Buddhism as practiced in Tibet, and was supposedly brought to Japan by Kobo Daishi (Kukai), the founder of Shingon Buddhism.
[Note: the idea that this 'Tantra of the Lightning Flash' had originated in Tibet is problematic, as Kukai had actually returned to Japan (from China) with the sacred texts on which Shingon was founded, several years before Guru Rinpoche (founder of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism) had even taken the Tantric teachings to Tibet. Further, the original catalogue of the texts brought to Japan by Kukai still exists (in his own handwriting), and this 'Tantra of the Lightning Flash' is not one of them].
Richard maintains that the box was purchased just after WWII by his father (who was then a Captain in the US Army) from some destitute monks who were raising funds to rebuild their fire-bombed temple.
According to Richard, Usui Sensei - although born into a Tendai family - became a devout Shingon Buddhist after a Cholera-induced near-death experience during which he experienced visions of Dainichi Nyorai (Mahavairochana) - the central Buddha of the Shingon Faith.
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