№36595Добавлено: Вс 01 Июл 07, 21:39 (18 лет тому назад)Samdhinirmocana Sutra
Samdhinirmocana Sutra
(Keywords: Saṃdhinirmocana Sutra, Discourse Explaining the Thought, Sutra on Unfurling the Real Meaning, L'explication des mysteres, Сандхинирмочана сутра, Самдхинирмочана сутра)
Сутра третьего поворота колеса Дхармы. Сохранились только китайские и тибетские переводы. В китайской Трипитаке (номер, название, переводчик):
T16n0675 深密解脱經 (shen mi jie tuo jing), Putiliuzhi (Bodhiruci)
T16n0676 解深密經 (jie shen mi jing), Xuan Zang (Hsuan Tsang)
Фрагменты так же в T16n0677, T16n0678 и T16n0679. Тибетское название dgongs pa nges 'grel.
Buddhist Yoga: A Comprehensive Course
Translated by Thomas Cleary. (Shambhala 1995, 124pp.)
The word yoga has many meanings, including "meditation," "method," and "union." While the physical exercises of Hindu yoga are familiar to Westerners, the subtle metaphysics and refined methods of spiritual development that characterize Buddhist yoga are not yet well known. This volume presents a landmark translation of a classical sourcebook of Buddhist yoga, the Sandhinirmochana-sutra, or "Scripture Unlocking the Mysteries," a revered text of the school of Buddhism known as Vijnanavada or Yogachara. The study of this scripture is essential preparation for anyone undertaking meditation exercise. Linking theory and praxis, the scripture offers a remarkably detailed and thorough course of study in both the philosophical and pragmatic foundation of Buddhist yoga, and their perfect, harmonious union in the realization of Buddhist enlightenment.
Wisdom of Buddha
The Sandhinirmocana Mahayana Sutra
Translated from Tibetan by John Powers. (1995)
This sutra is a discourse on untying the knots of confusion that enmesh beings in Samsara. In some traditions, it is considered a Sutra of Definitive Meaning, a teaching from the third-turning of the wheel of dharma, and a central text for the Yogacara school of philosophy.
In the Samdhinirmocana Sutra great bodhisattvas question the Buddha about the nature of consciousness, the character of the ultimate, the stages of the bodhisattva path, and the embodiment of the tathagatha. The Buddha responds with the clear voice of perfect realization, illuminating the meditative practices and views that eliminate obstacles to enlightenment. An incisive guide to the compassionate path of the bodhisattva for more than two millennia, this sutra has influenced Buddhist thinkers and practitioners in every country touched by the Mahayana.
• Samdhinirmocana Sutra: L'explication des Mysteres by Etienne Lamotte (Paris: Adrien Maisonneuve, 1935).
• The Scripture on the Explication of Underlying Meaning. Translation from Chinese of Hsuan-tsang (Taisho Volume 16, Number 676) by John Keenan. BDK English Tripitaka 25-IV. (Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2000. 126pp.)
Последний раз редактировалось: test (Вс 11 Мар 12, 16:10), всего редактировалось 2 раз(а)
№36841Добавлено: Пт 06 Июл 07, 11:05 (18 лет тому назад)
BDK English Tripitaka 25-IV
The Scripture on the Explication of Underlying Meaning
Translation from Chinese of Hsuan-tsang (Taisho Volume 16, Number 676) by John Keenan. (Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2000.)
This text is a new translation by Prof. John P. Keenan of the second century Saṃdhinirmocana-sūtra, a foundational Yogācāra (Consciousness Only) text, which is also the basic sutra of the Fa-hsiang School. (Taisho #676) [Ch: Chieh-shen-mi-ching] [Jp: Ge-jin-mik-kyō]
№181109Добавлено: Вс 05 Янв 14, 15:19 (11 лет тому назад)
Спасибо, скопировал в библиотеку _________________ ни в сансаре, ни в нирване нет реальной сущности даже размером с пылинку, а причины и следствия и закон взаимозависимого становления безошибочны
№187423Добавлено: Вт 11 Фев 14, 09:08 (11 лет тому назад)Samdhinirmocana Sutra
нет ли у кого-нибудь, случайно, отсканированного французского перевода Samdhinirmocana Sutra: L'explication des Mysteres par Etienne Lamotte (Paris: Adrien Maisonneuve, 1935)? спасибо!
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