№35534Добавлено: Вс 17 Июн 07, 05:00 (18 лет тому назад)Вималакирти нирдеша сутра, Vimalakirti-nirdesa-sutra
(Keywords: Vimalakīrtinirdeśa-sūtra, Vimalakirti-nirdesa sutra, vimalakirtinirdesa-nama-mahayanasutra, 維摩詰所說經 Weimojie suoshuo jing, 維摩經 Weimo jing, dri ma med par grags pas bstan pa, Вималакиртинирдеша сутра, Вималакирти нирдеша сутра)
Санскритский оригинал утерян, сохранилось три китайских, (а всего их с 223 года было 7) и два тибетских перевода. Три китайских: 維摩詰所說經 Wéimójié suǒshuō jing (наиболее популярный перевод Кумарадживы (Kumārajīva 鳩摩羅什) T.475), 說無垢稱經 Shuō wúgòuchēng jing (пер. Xuanzang (玄奘) T.476), 佛說維摩詰經 Fóshuō wéimójié jing (пер. Zhiqian (支謙) T.474). Тибетский перевод Дхарматашилы называется: dri ma med par grags pas bstan pa (stog 171, sde dge 176) (ACIP: KL0176: roman txt, tibetan rtf 250K) (сканы из Тог Канджура 8.6M).
Русский перевод: №1
Автор перевода - неизвестен, судя по всему, это перевод на русский с английского [Чарльз Люк, 1972]. Единственная читабельная полная вёрстка в сети здесь (Вималакиртинирдеша сутра полностью). На остальных русскоязычных сайтах чаще всего стоит плохо свёрстанная, неполная версия сутры (только первые две главы). Примеры неполной сутры: неполная сутра (текст 67К), неполная сутра (zip архив 19.7К).
Русский перевод: №2 "Сутра `Поучения Вималакирти`" (Вималакиртинирдеша-сутра)
Пер. с тиб., предисл. и комм.: А. М. Донец. Улан-Удэ: БНЦ СО РАН '2005. 144стр. (О), тир. 1000 экз.
"В книге представлена в переводе на русский язык тибетская версия известной Сутры "Поучения Вималакирти" (Вималакиртинирдеша-сутра), которая содержит квинтэссенцию Учения Махаяны о достижении просветления Будды и ярко обрисовывает идеал Бодхисаттвы-мирянина."
English translations:
Этиенн Ламотт (Etienne Lamotte) с использованием всех трех китайских переводов на французский (Lenseignement de Vimalakīrti, 1962). Его перевод затем переведен на английский Сарой Боин-Вебб (Sara Boin-Webb) в 1976 (PTS). The Teaching of Vimalakirti, (1994).
Ричард Робинсон (Richard Robinson) с 1957 по 1967 (с пер. Кумарадживы неопубликованый вариант использовался Р.Турманом).
• The Inconceivable Liberation by Richard H. Robinson. Madison, Wisconsin 1967.
Чарльз Люк (Charles Luk, Lu K'uan Yi) с пер.Кумарадживы в 1972 (Berkeley)
• Ordinary Enlightenment: a Translation of the "Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra". Translated and edited by Charles Luk. Shambhala Publications Inc., U.S.; New Ed edition (Oct 2002).
Роберт Турман (Robert A.F.Thurman) (с тибетского с использованием перевода Ричарда Робинсона) The Holy Teaching of Vimalakirti: A Mahayana Scripture. State College, Penna. 1976; Delhi 1991.
• The Holy Teaching of Vimalakirti: A Mahayana Scripture Robert A. F. Thurman, ed. and trans., Copyright (c) 1976 by The Pennsylvania State University Press. Reproduced by permission of the publisher.
Бхиккху Пасадика и Лал Мани Джоши (Bhikkhu Pasadika and Lal Mani Joshi) восстановили санскрит с тибетского в 1981 (Bibliotheca Indo-Tibetica 5).
• Joshi, Lal Mani & Bhiksu Pasadika ed. Vimalakīrtinirdeśa sūtram. Sarnath: Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies,1981, 1-188 (reconstructed version)
Бартон Уотсон (Burton Watson) с пер.КумарадживыThe Vimalakirti Sutra в 1997 (NY).
• The Vimalakirti Sutra by Burton Watson (Translator). Columbia University Press (December 15, 1996).
Джон Макрэй (John McRae) с пер.Кумарадживы в 2005 (Numata).
• The Sutra of Queen Srimala of the Lion's Roar and the Vimalakirti Sutra. Trans. by Diana Paul, John McRae. (Bdk English Tripitaka Translation Series #20). Numata Center for Buddhist Translation & Research; New edition (March 2005).
Последний раз редактировалось: test (Вс 23 Июн 13, 23:41), всего редактировалось 13 раз(а)
Научное издание. Утверждено к печати ученым советом Ин-та монголоведения, буддологии и тибетологии СО РАН.
Перевод этой Сутры на русский язык был сделан с тибетского текста «'Phags pa dri ma med par grags pas bstan pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo». - Xyl., 106 L. (270A-376B). - Lhasa, 1934, (Toh. № 176), изданного в электронной форме: The Asian Classics Input Project. Release Three. - Washington, 1993. - Catalog # KL0176. Некоторые исправления и уточнения были осуществлены в соответствии со следующим изданием этой Сутры: Vimalaklrtinirdesasutra. Tibetan Version, Restoration and Hindu Translation. Edited and Translated by Bhiksu Prasadika and Lai Mani Joshi. - «Bibliotheka Indo-Tibetica», vol. 5. Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies. Sarnath, 1981.
№65824Добавлено: Пн 20 Апр 09, 11:05 (16 лет тому назад)Re: Вималакирти нирдеша сутра, Vimalakirti-nirdesa-sutra
test пишет:
Джон Макрэй (John McRae) с пер.Кумарадживы в 2005 (Numata).
• The Sutra of Queen Srimala of the Lion's Roar and the Vimalakirti Sutra. Trans. by Diana Paul, John McRae. (Bdk English Tripitaka Translation Series #20). Numata Center for Buddhist Translation & Research; New edition (March 2005).
№68676Добавлено: Чт 30 Июл 09, 10:21 (16 лет тому назад)
Уважаемый test
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Благодаря Вам и другим бескорыстным энтузиастам, на этом форуме всегда можно найти массу драгоценных ссылок!!!
текст Вималакирти нирдеша сутры на
санскрите, трех вариантах китайского, тибетском (wylie) и английском
можно смтореть как отдельно, так и с все языки вместе
Да возможно, что там как раз найденный санскритский текст. Спасибо!
References for Sanskrit to folio and line number as in the PotalaMS as edited in SGBSL (2004);
SGBSL (2004), Vimalakīrtinirdeśa: Transliterated Sanskrit Text Collated with Tibetan and Chinese Translations, SGBSL, The Institute for Comprehensive Studies of Buddhism, Taisho University, Tokyo.
Study Group on Buddhist Sanskrit Litterature (2004), Vimalakīrtinirdeśa: Transliterated Sanskrit Text Collated with Tibetan and Chinese Translations, Study Group on Buddhist Sanskrit Literature, The Institute for Comprehensive Studies of Buddhism, Taisho University, Tokyo.
-2004, Vimalakīrtinirdeśa: Transliterated Sanskrit Text Collated with Tibetan and Chinese Translations, SGBSL, The Institute for Comprehensive Studies of Buddhism, Taisho University, Tokyo. Vkn
-2006, Vimalakīrtinirdeśa: A Sanskrit Edition based upon the Manuscript Newly Found at the Potala Palace, SGBSL, The Institute for Comprehensive Studies of Buddhism, Taisho University, Tokyo. Vkn
№377199Добавлено: Вс 28 Янв 18, 01:00 (7 лет тому назад)
The Sutra of Queen Śrīmālā of the Lion's Roar and The Vimalakīrti Sutra (Taishō 353, Taishō 475)
ISBN: 1-886439-31-1
Publisher: BDK America
Pages: 229
Publish Date: 2005
Format: Hardcover
Translator(s): Diana Y. Paul; John R. McRae
Source: Skt. Śrīmālādevīsiṃhanāda-sūtra, translated into the Chinese by Guṇabhadra as Shengman shizihou yisheng defang bianfang guang jing (勝鬘師子吼一乘大方便方廣經). 1 fascicle.
Source: Skt. Vimalakīrtinirdeśa-sūtra. Translated into the Chinese by Kumārajīva as Weimojie suoshuo jing (維摩詰所説經). 3 fascicles.
№461285Добавлено: Пн 10 Дек 18, 07:27 (6 лет тому назад)
Спасибо всем! О тексте на санскрите: на верху написано "Бхиккху Пасадика и Лал Мани Джоши (Bhikkhu Pasadika and Lal Mani Joshi) восстановили санскрит с тибетского в 1981 (Bibliotheca Indo-Tibetica 5)". Поэтому вызывает сомнение, что сегодня в интернете текст на санскрите - это оригинал; скорее восстановленный с тибетского.
№461337Добавлено: Пн 10 Дек 18, 16:04 (6 лет тому назад)
Где написано?
http://www.dsbcproject.org/canon-text/book/35 Editor: Joshi, Lal Mani & Bhiksu Pasadika. Publisher: Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies. Place of Publication: Sarnath, 1981.
- Это восстановленный текст.
http://www.dsbcproject.org/canon-text/book/61 Vimalakīrtinirdeśa: A Sanskrit Edition Based upon the Manuscript Newly Found at the Potala Palace. Publisher: Taisho University Press, 2006.
References for Sanskrit to folio and line number as in the Potala MS as edited in SGBSL (2004); for Chinese T, text no., page, paragraph and line; for Tibetan folio, side and line in Kg vol. ma; for English to page and line in Lamotte (1962) and page in Thurmann (1976).
SGBSL (2004), Vimalakīrtinirdeśa: Transliterated Sanskrit Text Collated with Tibetan and Chinese Translations, SGBSL, The Institute for Comprehensive Studies of Buddhism, Taisho University, Tokyo.
Study Group on Buddhist Sanskrit Litterature (2004), Vimalakīrtinirdeśa: Transliterated Sanskrit Text Collated with Tibetan and Chinese Translations, Study Group on Buddhist Sanskrit Literature, The Institute for Comprehensive Studies of Buddhism, Taisho University, Tokyo.
As for the publication of the Sanskrit version, the Study Group in Buddhist Sanskrit Literature at the Institute for Comprehensive Studies of Buddhism, Taisho University, produced four volumes.
Initially three volumes appeared:
梵蔵漢対照「維摩經」「智光明荘嚴經」(Bon-Zō-Kan taishō "Yuimakyō" "Chikōmyō shōgongyō") = Vimalakīrtinirdeśa and Jñānālokālaṃkāra : tranliterated Sanskrit text collated with Tibetan and Chinese translations
Taishō Daigaku Sōgō Bukkyō Kenkyūjo Bongo Butten Kenkyūkai [hen].
(Study Group in Buddhist Sanskrit Literature at the Institute for Comprehensive Studies of Buddhism, Taisho University)
東京 : 大正大学出版会, 平成16 [2004]
Tōkyō : Taishō Daigaku Shuppankai, Heisei 16 [2004]
This edition had, on the left side page, a Sanskrit passage above its Tibetan parallel, and on the facing page, the three Chinese parallels (Zhi Qian, Kumārajīva, and Xuanzang). An incredibly useful resource, but they reproduce the readings of the Potala ms. with minimal revision or correction. That, in my opinion, is also valuable, since it is often difficult to gain access to published Skt texts that haven't been sanitized and "standardized" first. It is instructive to see how these such things look in the raw, as it were. It is closer to a diplomatic than a critical edition of the Skt itself. The ability to compare the various editions without turning a page is also invaluable.
This edition was accompanied by two editional volumes:
Introduction to Vimalakīrtinirdeśa and Jñānālokālaṃkāra,
edited by大正大学綜合佛敎硏究所梵語佛典硏究会[編].
Taishō Daigaku Sōgō Bukkyō Kenkyūjo Bongo Butten Kenkyūkai [hen].
(Study Group in Buddhist Sanskrit Literature at the Institute for Comprehensive Studies of Buddhism, Taisho University)
東京 : 大正大学出版会, 平成16 [2004]
Tōkyō : Taishō Daigaku Shuppankai, Heisei 16 [2004]
which gives details on the find, the ms., etc.
and, third:
Jñānālokālaṃkāra: Transliterated Sanskrit Text Collated with the Tibetan and Chinese Translations.
edited by大正大学綜合佛敎硏究所梵語佛典硏究会[編].
Taishō Daigaku Sōgō Bukkyō Kenkyūjo Bongo Butten Kenkyūkai [hen].
(Study Group in Buddhist Sanskrit Literature at the Institute for Comprehensive Studies of Buddhism, Taisho University)
東京 : 大正大学出版会, 平成16 [2004]
Tōkyō : Taishō Daigaku Shuppankai, Heisei 16 [2004]
Two years later the Taisho Study Group published:
梵文維摩經 : ポタラ宮所蔵写本に基づく校訂 (Bonbun Yuimakyō : Potara kyū shozō shahon ni motozuku kōtei) = Vimalakīrtinirdeśa : a Sanskrit edition based upon the manuscript newly found at the Potala Palace
Taishō Daigaku Sōgō Bukkyō Kenkyūjo Bongo Butten Kenkyūkai [hen].
(Study Group in Buddhist Sanskrit Literature at the Institute for Comprehensive Studies of Buddhism, Taisho University)
東京 : 大正大学出版会, 平成 18 [2006]
Tōkyō : Taishō Daigaku Shuppankai, Heisei 18 [2006]
This contains only the Sanskrit text, which the editors have set about to standardize and revise according to philological standards, with footnotes flagging their emendations. As they explain in the Foreward (p. v):
"It was at the end of the twentieth century, in July 1999, when the Sanskrit manuscripts of these two texts were discovered at the Potala Palace in Tibet... Considering it was our duty to publicize them as soon as possible, we first published the above mentioned Sanskrit texts collated with corresponding Tibetan and Chinese translations. Although we had produced a provisional edition in parallel with the transliteration, it took more than a year to standardise and complete it for this publication.
"In the process of revising the text, there was an in-depth exchange of opinions regarding possible emendations among members of the group. We eventually decided to provide minimum annotations in this edition since the transliterated Sanskrit text, which is presented with the corresponding sections of the Tibetan and Chinese translations, was already available."
In the Introduction. they explain:
"The text of the earlier publication was faithfully transliterated from the manuscript preserved at the Potala Palace. Even though there were obvious mistakes in the manuscript, no emendations were made because our intent was to publish as soon as possible and to reproduce the only manuscript so far available in Sanskrit with diplomatic accuracy.
"In the present publication, on the other hand, obvious scribal errors are corrected, missing words supplied, and grammatical emendations are made by consulting the Tibetan and Chinese translations... We refrain from entitling it a 'critical edition' because it is difficult for us to be as critical as we would like with a single Sanskrit manuscript." (p. xi)
"There are about twenty instances in which the Sanskrit is different the Tibetan translation and/or the Chinese translations." (p. xiii)
which they then go on to examine five cases in more detail.
The online DSBC version is based on the later proto-critical edition, minus the footnotes. The Bibliotheca Polyglotta online version cites the earlier pubication, but also seems to have incorporated the later emendations, minus the notes.
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