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Зарегистрирован: 05.04.2005
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636262СообщениеДобавлено: Чт 09 Ноя 23, 01:03 (1 год тому назад)    Потребление алкоголя Ответ с цитатой

It seems evident that the Mahāsāṃghika Vinaya is the earlier version and likely better reflects the original narrative concerning the incident which led to The Buddha prohibiting Alcohol consumption. The Mahāsāṃghika account of the incident is as follows: The Buddha was residing in the country of Kauśāmbī teaching as was mentioned above. At that time in the realm of Kauśāmbī there was an Evil Nāga named Āmra who had caused a drought where the rain did not fall and the crops were not harvested. The people were starving and there were various calamities like this. It was then that the bhikṣu Venerable Svāgata went to placate the Evil Nāga. As it is explained in the Svāgata Bhikṣu Sūtra, after placating the Evil Nāga the country celebrated and the people felt Gratitude, aware of the Kindness bestowed upon them and wanting to repay it. It was on Svāgata's behalf that five hundred great families each offered up hanging banners and setup seats, inviting the Monks for offerings. They made a special invitation to Bhikṣu Svāgata. The households which made [the offerings) provided various kinds of delicious foods. It was then that after one household had offered Food that due to his thirst they offered Alcohol which appeared as water whereupon he drank it. He returned to the Monastery where the World Honored One [the Buddha) was teaching the Dharma in a great assembly at the time. The influence of the Alcohol was all too much as he became unwell and fell onto the ground. It was in front of the World Honored One that he stretched out his legs and passed out.
The Buddha was aware of this and thus said, “Which bhikṣu is it here that has stretched out his legs and passed out in front of the Tathāgata?”
The bhikṣus replied, “Bhikṣu Svāgata drank much Alcohol and thus has become inebriated and passed out.”
The Buddha asked the bhikṣus, “Has Bhikṣu Svāgata here ever slept during the day?”
“No, World Honored One.”
He again asked, “Has Bhikṣu Svāgata prior to being inebriated ever stretched out his legs and passed out in front of The Buddha before?”
“No, World Honored One.”
He again asked, “The bhikṣu having drank too much Alcohol, if he wanted to make himself un-inebriated, would it be possible to do this?”
“No, World Honored One.”
as become inebriated and passed out.”
The Buddha asked the bhikṣus, “Has Bhikṣu Svāgata here ever slept during the day?”
“No, World Honored One.”
He again asked, “Has Bhikṣu Svāgata prior to being inebriated ever stretched out his legs and passed out in front of The Buddha before?”
“No, World Honored One.”
He again asked, “The bhikṣu having drank too much Alcohol, if he wanted to make himself un-inebriated, would it be possible to do this?”
“No, World Honored One.”
He again asked the bhikṣus, “Suppose Bhikṣu Svāgata at a time when he had not drank Alcohol heard an exposition on the excellent and immortal Dharma – would he want to lose this benefit and not listen to it?”
“No, World Honored One.”
The Buddha said to the bhikṣus, “This Bhikṣu Svāgata was originally able to placate an Evil Nāga. Now, could he placate a toad?”
They replied, “He could not.”
The Buddha said, “Suppose Āmra the Nāga heard this – it would provoke his displeasure. From today onward it is not permitted to drink Alcohol.”

Curiously, the accounts of this incident in other Vinaya texts differ in the details of what transpired.

The Dharmagupta Vinaya 四分律 is a much longer account of the event and the substance consumed is a “black liquor” which the Monks were aware was Alcohol. It also states Svāgata not only fell over at the road side, but vomited which caused the birds to be disturbed. The Buddha then tells Ānanda the ten faults of consuming Alcohol.

The Mahīśāsaka Vinaya 五分律 reports the Nāga was causing torrential rains and hail which destroyed the fields, in contrast to the account in the Mahāsāṃghika Vinaya which states it was a drought. Svāgata is also seen in a non-violent battle of magical powers with the Nāga where the latter loses and is scooped up into the former's bowl and taken to The Buddha who gives him permission to release it. The grateful laity come to the assembly of Monks and ask Svāgata if he needs anything. He replies that when he was layperson he enjoyed meat and Alcohol. The laity then provided him with both meat and Alcohol which resulted in him becoming drunk, vomiting all over robe and bowl, and passing out. The Buddha saw this with his clairvoyant eye from afar and went with Ānanda to tend to Svāgata and clean him up with water from the well. They placed him on a rope-bed and in a drunken haze Svāgata kicked The Buddha. It was then that The Buddha summoned the assembly of Monks and spoke to them of the faults of Alcohol. He then prohibited the consumption of it.

Как видно из истории, запрещено напиваться до беспамятства/рвоты/драки/пугания других/упущения возможности слушать Дхарму.

Точно такая же история была с колесницами, когда Будда осудил монахов за чрезмерно роскошную упряжку «как на фестивале», а превратилось это в «колесные транспортные средства» вообще.

namaḥ samantabhadrāya samantaspharaṇatviṣe
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Зарегистрирован: 09.09.2008
Суждений: 7953
Откуда: Воронеж

636266СообщениеДобавлено: Чт 09 Ноя 23, 02:14 (1 год тому назад)     Ответ с цитатой

при свирепом запрете на алкоголь в сутрах, на похоронных обрядах-то бухают даже упоротейшие смарты. Бухло как-то связано с питарами, видимо, как сома - с богами. Такой догон мой.


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Наш лозунг - Всемирный Советский Союз!
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Зарегистрирован: 09.09.2008
Суждений: 7953
Откуда: Воронеж

636273СообщениеДобавлено: Чт 09 Ноя 23, 02:46 (1 год тому назад)     Ответ с цитатой

Лекарства с алкоголем разрешены Винаей:
(For wind afflictions): “I allow a decoction of oil”… “I allow that alcohol be mixed in the decoction of oil”… “Oil mixed with too much alcohol should not be drunk. Whoever drinks it is to be dealt with in accordance with the rule (Pc 51). I allow that when neither the color, the smell, nor the taste of alcohol can be detected in the decoction of oil, this sort of oil mixed with alcohol may be drunk.”—Mv.VI.14.1

(When too much alcohol has been mixed with oil): “I allow that it be determined as rubbing-oil”… “I allow (for oil) three kinds of flasks: a metal flask, a wood flask, a fruit flask.”—Mv.VI.14.2


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