Как все происходило, Палийский канон передали западным переводчикам сами монахи или как? Если Палийский канон передали ученым/переводчикам, то известны их фамилии?
Буддхагхоша изобрел несколько ключевых медитативных терминов, которых нет в суттах:
Gunaratana further notes that Buddhaghosa invented several key meditation terms which are not to be found in the suttas, such as "parikamma samadhi (preparatory concentration), upacara samadhi (access concentration), appanasamadhi (absorption concentration)." Gunaratana also notes that Buddhaghosa's emphasis on kasina-meditation is not to be found in the suttas, where dhyana is always combined with mindfulness.
источник: Dhyāna in Buddhism [Wikipedia]
А как вам это?:
Kasina-exercises are propagated in Buddhaghosa's Visuddhimagga, which is considered the authoritative commentary on meditation practice in the Theravada tradition, but differs from the Pali canon in its description of jhana. While the suttas connect samadhi to mindfulness and awareness of the body, for Buddhaghosa jhana is a purely mental exercise, in which one-pointed concentration leads to a narrowing of attention.
источник: Dhyāna in Buddhism [Wikipedia]
И не стыдно этим википедистам врать... Видимо, у "ранних буддистов" продолжает пригорать при упоминании имен классических авторов.
Мнение досточтимого Гунаратаны можно узнать в его работах:
А "одноточечное сосредоточение" - известная ошибка западной интерпретации буддийских методов. У досточтимого Буддхагхосы, наоборот, рекомендуется расширять настройку (нимитта).
Bhikkhu Sujato has argued that certain views regarding Buddhist meditation expounded in the Visuddhimagga are a "distortion of the Suttas" since it denies the necessity of jhana. The Australian monk Shravasti Dhammika is also critical of contemporary practice based on this work. He concludes that Buddhaghosa did not believe that following the practice set forth in the Visuddhimagga will really lead him to Nirvana, basing himself on the postscript to the Visuddhimagga:
"Even Buddhaghosa did not really believe that Theravada practice could lead to Nirvana. His Visuddhimagga is supposed to be a detailed, step by step guide to enlightenment. And yet in the postscript [...] he says he hopes that the merit he has earned by writing the Vishuddhimagga will allow him to be reborn in heaven, abide there until Metteyya (Maitreya) appears, hear his teaching and then attain enlightenment."
источник: Buddhaghosa [Wikipedia]
Вот врунишки. Послесловие насчет Меттеи в конце книги принадлежит перу некого неизвестного сингальского переписчика рукописи. В бирманских рукописях его вообще нет.
№541307Добавлено: Вт 02 Июн 20, 18:23 (5 лет тому назад)
Послесловие насчет Меттеи в конце книги принадлежит перу некого неизвестного сингальского переписчика рукописи. В бирманских рукописях его вообще нет.
Наверно, это нормальная добавка религиозного писаря.
Скажите, а если я перепишу всю "Вишудхимаггу", то я тоже могу считать это накоплением заслуги, достаточной для рождения в раю? Или надо обязательно публикацию делать?
Буддхагхоша изобрел несколько ключевых медитативных терминов, которых нет в суттах:
Gunaratana further notes that Buddhaghosa invented several key meditation terms which are not to be found in the suttas, such as "parikamma samadhi (preparatory concentration), upacara samadhi (access concentration), appanasamadhi (absorption concentration)." Gunaratana also notes that Buddhaghosa's emphasis on kasina-meditation is not to be found in the suttas, where dhyana is always combined with mindfulness.
источник: Dhyāna in Buddhism [Wikipedia]
А как вам это?:
Kasina-exercises are propagated in Buddhaghosa's Visuddhimagga, which is considered the authoritative commentary on meditation practice in the Theravada tradition, but differs from the Pali canon in its description of jhana. While the suttas connect samadhi to mindfulness and awareness of the body, for Buddhaghosa jhana is a purely mental exercise, in which one-pointed concentration leads to a narrowing of attention.
источник: Dhyāna in Buddhism [Wikipedia]
И не стыдно этим википедистам врать... Видимо, у "ранних буддистов" продолжает пригорать при упоминании имен классических авторов.
Мнение досточтимого Гунаратаны можно узнать в его работах:
А "одноточечное сосредоточение" - известная ошибка западной интерпретации буддийских методов. У досточтимого Буддхагхосы, наоборот, рекомендуется расширять настройку (нимитта).
Bhikkhu Sujato has argued that certain views regarding Buddhist meditation expounded in the Visuddhimagga are a "distortion of the Suttas" since it denies the necessity of jhana. The Australian monk Shravasti Dhammika is also critical of contemporary practice based on this work. He concludes that Buddhaghosa did not believe that following the practice set forth in the Visuddhimagga will really lead him to Nirvana, basing himself on the postscript to the Visuddhimagga:
"Even Buddhaghosa did not really believe that Theravada practice could lead to Nirvana. His Visuddhimagga is supposed to be a detailed, step by step guide to enlightenment. And yet in the postscript [...] he says he hopes that the merit he has earned by writing the Vishuddhimagga will allow him to be reborn in heaven, abide there until Metteyya (Maitreya) appears, hear his teaching and then attain enlightenment."
источник: Buddhaghosa [Wikipedia]
Вот врунишки. Послесловие насчет Меттеи в конце книги принадлежит перу некого неизвестного сингальского переписчика рукописи. В бирманских рукописях его вообще нет.
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