Из Манджушримулакальпы (перевод на английский A. Сандерсона):
I have taught this Mantra [of Siva] which together with the trident Mudra destroys all demons, out of my desire to benefit living beings. Those living on the earth will say that its ancient Kalpa, that I taught in former times, was taught by Siva. [But] the various excellent extensive [Kalpas] in the Saiva Tantras are in fact my teachings.
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The extensive Kalpas that have been related in the Vaisnavas Tantras were taught by Manjughosa for living beings who could only be trained by [this] device.
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All the extensive Kalpas taught in the Garuda Tantras were taught by me in order to benefit living beings.
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It was I that first taught, in this vast Kalpa, everything that the inhabitants of earth without exception refer to as the teaching of Siva. It was only later that others taught in the various texts [considered to be taught by him] the Kalpamantras of the wise Siva Tumburu the Trader.
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